Well haiz, if you're pouring traffic from Zucker's grid, you're probably regularly pestered by users wanting to rip the covers off the product you're trying to sell them.
They do this by writing all sorts of wild stuff in the comments under your ads, because of which you get fewer conversions and, consequently, purchases.
So what are our options to combat these truth-tellers? And how do you rack up your positive comments? Let's find out.
Standard API comment cleanup
Two good services immediately come to mind: FBTool и Dolphin Cloud.
The principle of their work is approximately the same: you take from your account token, thanks to which these services get access to your ads, and then either set a set of stop words, or specify to clean everything in a row.
Also in these services you can specify not to touch already existing comments, which allows us to first build up positive feedback, and then hide/delete all new ones. In my opinion, hiding is better: if a comment is hidden, the user will not know about it, and he will have no reason to complain about the ad + fb considers a comment as a positive activity, which is good for our advertising!
On the downside:
- Slowness! usually these services work once every half an hour, during this time on normal traffic truth tellers have time to throw a lot of shit at you in the comments.
- token has a tendency to fly off. Messing with tokens is a pain, but you can't get anywhere without it if you use a token specifically from AdsManager
Dictionary cleanup
Beach style! A feature built into fb called "Page Moderation" will help us!
Go to your fanpage from which you are going to advertise and go to the "Settings" section. There we are interested in two items, and the first of them is the "Foul language filter". Set it to maximum. Then go to "Page moderation", and here we need to enter a set of words that we would absolutely not want to see in the comments under our ads.

Where to get a list like this? Here's a good idea: To clean almost all comments - find them on the Internet. frequency dictionary of the language on which GEO we are going to cast, sort it by decreasing frequency and stuff the top N words into our filter!
This way you will hide almost all comments, because they are very likely to contain words from the frequency dictionary. Where to get a frequency dictionary? Well, let's say, right here. But just be sure to remove the one-letter words from there, or fb won't let you upload the list!
In fact, for many languages I've already done all the work for you and you can just download the necessary dictionaries here.
Yes, do not open the dictionary files in Excel, just use Notepad or any other text editor, because Excel does not know how to work with UTF-8 encoding. In the end, you should get something like this:

Moderation Assist
A fresh fb fic to clean up comments! Located in the Professional Dashboard section of your fp, and here are the options there:

Hide comment if...
1️⃣ the author has no avatar;
2️⃣ there's an image in the comment;
3️⃣ there's a video in the comment;
4️⃣ fresh fb account (less than a week old);
5️⃣ in the last 30 days, 3 or more of the author's comments have been barred by other page admins;
6️⃣ set of stop words (still the same dictionary as in the paragraph above);
7️⃣ the author of the comment has no friends;
8️⃣ there is any link in the comment, or the second option is a link to a specified site;
9️⃣ there is profanity in the comment (this seems to only work for English).
Imho, a great additional functionality for dictionaries: it often happens that users post only some pictures with shit and that's it. Now they can be automatically hidden.
Также есть Activity Log где можно посмотреть действие выбранных вами правил In action, а также заблочить полностью особо рьяных хейтеров👌 Не забывайте, что этих надоедливых людей можно выгрузить и позже проимпортировать на новую фпшку. Вся инфа про это тут.

TL|DR: boldly include the first 7 points and may the power be with you 💪
Scrolling comments
Through exchanges
Elementary, Watson! You give a task to users, tell them what they need to write, throw money ... profit! I recommend the following exchanges:
- SmmFollows - there are comments and any likes and subscribers!
- BossLike
- QComment
With the help of their FPs.
A simple but very useful lifehack👇
- Create a bunch of fp on the account, make them as names of people from the target GEO, for example: Anna Shwartz, Kate Brown, etc.
- Put photos of the right gender on their avatars from ThisPersonDoesNotExist or wherever you want.
- After we run the ads we go to our advertising posts and on behalf of these fp's write the comments you want, have conversations where we discuss all the usual objections, etc.
The principle of how it's done, is described in a separate articleand there is an example of how it works.
That's all I got so far, so stay on the plus side, gentlemen!