So, today I will tell you what to do if you need to quickly unique a bunch of creatives, and you do not want to waste time on this tedious work.
Creatives, as you know, are of two types: pictures and videos. Let's deal with both categories, in particular with jpeg pictures and mp4 videos. In general, this approach can be applied to any other format as well.
We will work with free software for Windows, but for the Mac there is the same software, you figure out how to redo the scripts, I'm lazy, I love the wind ❤
You only need to configure everything once, it will take you 15 minutes to configure, but then everything will happen automagically.
So for the pictures we need NConvert. Download the version of the required bit rate and unpack the archive somewhere in Program Files. I unpacked to C:\Program Files\NConvert (shock!).
For the video we will need FFMpeg. It's exactly the same story. Download, unzip to C:\Program Files\FFMpeg.
Next, so that we can call these programs from the command line or a script, we need to write the path to these folders in the Path environment variable.
I show you everything using the example of English Windows 10, in any other Windows you can also do this by analogy. In the "Start" menu, type in "Environment" (I suspect that in Russian it will be: Environment), we see the following picture:

Go to this item, we see a window, in which we need the lowest button "Environment variables"

In the window that appears, click on the PATH environment variable and click Edit.

Add to the very end 2 folders where our NConvert.exe and FFMpeg.exe are located. Note that FFMpeg.exe, is in the Bin folder, make no mistake. Next, click "OK".

Voila, now all we have to do is create two simple scripts that will uniqueize any of our creations.
The principle we will use to make it unique is to add a small amount of random noise to the creo. Visually it will be completely invisible to the user, but to Facebook it will be a completely different file.
Open notepad and create the first picture script. We write:
nconvert -out jpeg -o %%_1.jpg -q 95 -rmeta -rexifthumb -noise uniform 0.1 *.jpg
This script in addition to adding noise also clean the metadata, which is good? Save the file via "Save as" and save it under a name like convertjpg.bat. If necessary, make yourself a second script, but for png files, if you use them. To do this, replace the lines jpeg and jpg everywhere in the script with png.
Now create a new file in notepad for video creations and write it:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b *.mp4') DO ffmpeg -i "%%G" -vf noise=alls=1:allf=t "%%~nG_1.mp4"
Save under the name convertmpg4.bat.
That's it, now it's disco! ? We take any folder with the baked creatives. Throw in the desired script, depending on what we have there, videos or pictures, and run it! In a few seconds we will create in a folder unique creatives, they can be distinguished by name: at the end will be added _1.
That's all, like it if it was useful, I wish your creos live happily ever after!
P.S. All scripts can be downloaded here. They are called uniquexxx.bat there
P.P.S. By the way, so you can make even more unique creos, think about the fact that ffmpeg knows how to change the video speed ;-)
P.P.P.S. I got some info from my subscriber Boris Verbitsky about uniqueness of video creations in the same way for Mac:
cd /path && find . -iname "*.mp4" | while read FILENAME; do /path/ffmpeg -nostdin -i "${FILENAME}" -vf noise=alls=1:allf=t "${FILENAME%.*}_new.mp4" ; done
path is the path to the folder where the creos are located, and /path/ffmpeg is the path where ffmpeg is located
launch in Automator
I can't find "Environment" on Windows 7
That's it.
system properties - environmental variables
I created a text document on the mac, run it through Automator and nothing happens, can you tell me where the bug is?
The text is this:
cd /path/Users/whereismycat/Desktop/VIDZ && find . -iname "*.mp4" | while read FILENAME; do /path/Users/whereismycat/Desktop/FFMPEG/ffmpeg -nostdin -i "${FILENAME}" -vf noise=alls=1:allf=t "${FILENAME%.*}_new.mp4" ; done
Unfortunately, I am a Windows user, so I can't tell you anything about the Mac.
I did according to the instructions for Windows - the scripts run, there seems to be no error, nothing in the command line, it just closes and that's all. Nothing happens.
Then I downloaded ready-made scripts, checked with them - the result is the same.
You probably did not put the correct paths in the PATH. In order to find out what is wrong, you need to run the command line first: Start-execute-cmd-Enter, then cd to the folder you want and run the script from there. This way you will see the error.
The best!
doesn't want to...
C:\Users\Administrator>nconvert -out jpeg -o %_1.jpg -q 95 -rmeta -rexifthumb -noise uniform 0.1 *.jpg
** NCONVERT v7.136 (c) 1991-2022 Pierre-E Gougelet (Jan 23, 2023/13:58:10)
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
C:\Users\Administrator>nconvert -out jpeg -o %_1.jpg -q 95 -rmeta -rexifthumb -noise uniform 0.1 *.jpg
** NCONVERT v7.136 (c) 1991-2022 Pierre-E Gougelet (Jan 23, 2023/13:58:10)
Version for Windows Xp/Vista/7 x64 (All rights reserved)
** This is freeware software (for non-commercial use)
How do you make several creatives from one picture?
Oh! It works.
the file should be jpg, not jpEg