Salaam alaikum, Yellow at the keyboard. The standard beginning: you have found, then, in sleepers myself an mmm prostatitis pad for Italy. Everything there is good: the text, the pictures, the layout. The only problem is that your offer is for Portugal. So you urgently need to translate this proclu. And to do that you need to:
- Extract all the pieces of text from the proclamation;
- Send to a PP/transfer service;
- Once you have the translated text, you have to shove it back into the proclus, in exactly the right places.
All of this is manual labor. If you now say, "What the hell, I'll just give you a proclamation in one language and ask them to send it in another language right away. Okay, this option is possible, but here's why it's not good. If you give the proclu together with the layout, then:
- There is a chance that an unscrupulous PP or translator will leak your procluse to a competitor;
- If you order translation for money, translation and typesetting will cost more;
- You will have to wait longer for such a transfer.
So what to do? Of course, to use the software I just wrote!
To begin with, let's look at the scheme by which the work with the software takes place:
- We push the software to our proclu, the software automatically extracts all the necessary pieces of text into a csv-file
- Upload this file to a google table and send the link to the translator
- In the same table, next to each text cell of the source text, the translator writes the translation in the adjacent cell
- When the translation is ready, download a google table in the same csv format
- Slip the file with the translation to the software - the software automatically changes all the text on the proclamation
- ….
- Profit!
Либо есть вариант Б — автоперевод всей страницы разом при помощи Deepl.
And now let's look at it all in more detail and with screenshots.
Downloading software
The software works on any OS, requires установленного .NET для работы, качайте и ставьте себе последнюю версию — не ошибётесь. Далее скачиваете с гитхаба из раздела Releases архив под вашу ОС, разархивируете в любую папку.
Preparing to launch
In the folder with the software create subfolder site, into which you transfer the file index.htm/index.html of the site you want to submit for translation.
Working with software
Под Windows можете просто запустить exe-файл, а под любой другой ОС запускайте терминал (консоль), переходите командой cd в папку с софтом и запускайте софт командой dotnet YWB.SiteTranslator.dll
Нам предлагается несколько пунктов меню на выбор:
- Extract all text from html and save it to csv
- Replace site text from an existing csv file with a translation
- Автоперевод всего html-файла при помощи переводчика Deepl
Let's start at the beginning. After selecting the first menu item, you will be prompted to enter the name of the offer about which this proclamation is written. Enter exactly as the offer is named in the text!
Done! All the pieces of text you need are saved to a file translation.csv in the main program folder.
Go to Google Tables, create a new table, click File - Import and upload our csv file. Send the link to the translators, and they'll work. Here's an example of what the translation looks like in google tables:
Once the translators have finished working, click File - Download - CSV to get the translation as a csv file. Rename it back to translation.csv, we shove it in the folder to the software and run the software, where we select the second menu item: Translate the site.
The program will ask you for two things:
- the name of the offerer in the source html file (in our example it was Cannabis Oil)
- the name of the offer in the translated text - if the offer has not changed, you can just press Enter, but if you have changed the text for another offer, enter its name
When the text replacement is done, the program will save the whole html-code with the translation into the file indext.html in a subfolder site.
Load the proclu in the browser, check that everything is in place, delete it index.html, you rename it indext.html в index.html and load the proclu on the hosting or in tracker.
EVERYTHING! You've just saved yourself/the coders hours of your life, for which I congratulate you.
И, наконец, если вы хотите перевести всё через Deepl — то вам необходимо для начала зарегаться для получения API-ключа, можете использовать бесплатный доступ, он позволит вам переводить 500.000 символов в месяц. API-ключ можно сохранить в файле deepl.txt в папке программы иначе его придётся каждый раз вводить вручную.
После того, как введён API-ключ, программа запросит у вас язык, на который необходимо перевести html-файл.
Автоматически переведённый файл будет сохранён рядом с оригинальным, с именем index_кодязыка.html
В принципе на этом ВСЁ, лейте в плюс и присылайте donations! Они (как и простое «Спасибо» в ЛС) мотивируют меня и дальше делать для вас годный open-source софт.
Yellow, you give out tops like a stove donuts. Profit to you and remember! We all - arbitrageurs envy your outlook and persistence. Thank you
Thanks, that's good to hear) Profit in progress)
Needed a tool, been looking for something like this for a long time. Great!
But it's scary to translate such a table with chunks of scripts, which also contain text from different popups and roulettes. And promos usually have a stylesheet in the body, which also leads to csv'shka (300 lines in one cell). I haven't tried it with php content, but I think there will also be surprises.
We'll have to clean it all up before translation, and then restore it again after translation. One manual labor is replaced by another))
Although it's probably still faster than translating the text by hand.
Well, well, well. Pieces of scripts should not be there! Neither should the styles. Send me an example, which you process, and I'll correct the logic in the PM in tg @dvygolov. For the php-containment software is not honed, that's true, it probably will have problems. As for the text of the pop-ups and roulettes - well, they also need to be translated, so that the presence of their text - it's normal.
Found a bug with styles and scripts, fixed everything and updated the code on the githab
Great!!! A mug of sour cream for this guy on the house!)
Scripts and styles no longer falls out, although the text under the scripts still have to manually correct, but it's a matter of 5 minutes and attention test to find the text of one language in another :)
sample result
The tool is great, we will use it) Thank you for your hard work!
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В скачиваемом архиве с гитлаба нет dll нужно, подскажите пожалуйста что делать?
Как вы это определили? Какой именно dll?
«Запускаем софт командой dotnet YWB.SiteTranslator.dll» В скачиваемом архиве( отсутствует необходимая dll. Скачал архив, распаковал его, через команду cd перешел в папку и ввел команду dotnet YWB.SiteTranslator.dll. Получаю ошибку
Не удалось выполнить, так как не найдены указанная команда или указанный файл.
Возможные причины:
* вы неправильно набрали встроенную команду dotnet;
* вы планировали выполнить программу .NET, однако dotnet-YWB.SiteTranslator.dll не существует;
* вы хотели запустить глобальное средство, но по указанному в PATH пути не удалось найти исполняемый файл с префиксом dotnet, имеющий такое имя.
Судя по всему, у вас не установлен dotnet. Кстати, сейчас можно просто запустить exe файл, без всяких танцев с консолью и dll. Но если у вас не dotnet framework-а, то работать в любом случае не будет.