In Telegram chats, the question is often raised: what can be poured on, and what is "rubbish". Are diabetes remedies still a normal offerer, or are they already dirt? How kosher is it to cast on a Makita drill if we know that the rekl will send sand instead of the drill? Are there really any prizes in swipes, or is it all a total deception, and the arbitrageur's karma will suffer irreparably? What about crypto and surveys?
As I see it, there is one single reasonable answer to all these questions: we are arbitrators and it is our business to engage in the traffic. The rest is none of our concern.
Let me explain this position in more detail: in your lifetime you will pour traffic to hundreds of offers, to dozens of geos, to a bunch of different ppgs. Not to mention the tests you've done. Tell me, do you really think you can figure out whether an offer works as it is stated by the pp and rekl?
Can you order each of the products and services you advertise, test them on yourself, your friends and family, and draw statistically significant conclusions? No, you can certainly try, but one question is. why?
Recl and PP operate in the legal field. They are legally registered organizations, they should have some kind of certificates, licenses, etc. for the goods they offer us, and if they do not have all this, it is their problem! And for the absence of such licenses and certificates, they should be punished by the law enforcement agencies of the countries in which they operate.
Titan-gel does not grow a dick? Well, let the buyers make returns, write complaints, sue in court in the end, in short - solve this issue by normal civilized methods. We don't give a damn!
Everyone should do their own thing, and our business is affiliate marketing. And since it is affiliate marketing, affiliates need to be trusted. So we do, and we're putting all moral issues on the fragile shoulders of our favorite pp and producers. Let them clean up the mess they make, and we will pour and sleep soundly at night, knowing that what we do is honest and, I hope, well-paid labor.
That's where I disagree. I think it's shameful to leak on obvious fakes. Doctors should treat people for diabetes, but pretending to be doctors or aiding and abetting them is shameful. The arbitrageur is not engaged in traffic, he is engaged in the presentation of the product with clearly exaggerated effect. Therefore, there is no way to dissociate yourself from a sick grandmother who bought diabeton or fake heart disease. It was the arbitrator who brought her to this land, it is he who with his creatively and Procloy convinced her of that. And the rekl only at best a fake, and at worst a drug that has damaged a person's health. There are known cases when using weight loss, from which people's blood pressure scaled, there are cases of drugs to increase potency, in which there are prohibited drugs. Therefore, the framework of morality here does not need to be relegated to the background. One potency pill with a fake drug that just raises blood pressure and someone's father died. And the arbitrator got a "payout" for the lead. Instead of spending their energies building brands and doing useful work, thousands of people are spending their energies fucking up weak, defenseless, possibly stupid people. The advertising law that the arbitrator violates every day has to go too. So if morality is so dead in us that we are willing to trade it for money, at least let our conscience keep us from "treating" people. Reklas very aggressively undress people, calling 5-6-10 times after the sale of goods. People part with their money, and arbitrageurs calculate their income. Is it really necessary to spend so much time, effort, knowledge to engage in absolutely useless for society business, are we all so much traded conscience, valor and honor for money that we are ready to deceive the weakest and most defenseless people?
It's a pretty comfortable position to be in.
You know you're selling bullshit. But you found a very interesting way to justify yourself with your supposedly low qualifications in this matter. You don't need to be a doctor of science to realize that the diabetes remedy in the affiliate is complete bullshit.
And everyone understands that very well.
There's such a thing as reputation. Why the fuck sell this shit when there are so many more environmentally friendly niches?
There will be a separate pot for people pouring over fertility remedies, diabetes and all things health related)
I don't know who you have to be to figure out what works and what doesn't, but I really can't figure it out. Tell me, are swipes a scam or do they really give away prizes? Tell me, are there any normal services in deiting or are they all bot sites? Are there any normal investments in crypto? Infobiz - are they good products or just packaging? I don't know and I don't have time to check it all.
You don't need to know the intricacies. Finding out that diabetes is an incurable disease is a matter of 2 minutes of googling.
You could sell a cure for cancer with that approach. It's a convenient position, I'm a fool and that's it, I don't know anything.
It is clear that you can't always distinguish a blatant scam from a more or less normal product, but it's a slippery man's act to absolve yourself of all responsibility.
Advertising the vast majority of arbitrage offers is impossible without the use of fake and brutal ackeys because it is officially prohibited in the Internet space of most countries, social networks and other white sources, and the use of such ackeys imposes directly on the arbitrageur criminal responsibility under several articles, for those who arbitrage in the Russian Federation (abroad for such their own set of criminal articles) - Articles 272 of the Criminal Code, 273 of the Criminal Code, 138 of the Criminal Code. Under the Criminal Code or administrative responsibility will also fall arbitrageur in the case of proof of harm to human health from its advertising and promotion of gambling in the case of gambling (Article 244-FZ).
You can deceive yourself that this affiliate bears all responsibility for the offer and the consequences of its use, but it will only be self-deception. Either you admit that you don't give a shit about people, the rules of white advertising sources, the law in general, and the main thing for you is to get more money, or you quit this shitty craft, but you don't need to justify yourself by saying that you don't know what kind of offers they are, if you have figured out klocking, shoving banned creo through moderation, the use of bruchenyh ackeys, it can not be that you do not understand what shit, harm and negativity for people carries advertising and the use of 99% offers with PP. Either you do not want to do it to appease your conscience, or you want to outwardly show yourself a decent and honest person not to attract the questions of certain structures in the future for example. If the second, there are no questions, everyone chooses what to do and takes risks for the consequences of their activities, if the first, then do not deceive yourself, it is even worse.
Well, the use of autoregs in fb, say, is not prohibited by law, but only by their rules, and they don't give a shit about them at all. As well as their rules of advertising. You can't advertise, say, porn sites and webcam sites? Well, my morals allow me to do it, because I don't see anything wrong in the fact that some person will make money and fuck up a picture on the Internet. Well, that's all: I've figured out cloaking, shoving banned creo and no harm and negativity to people in my opinion did not bring))))
Where do you all get off being such saints? Separate boilers, etc.? Do you hear yourselves Gentlemen, wake up, look out the window, if you don't get fucked you get fucked!
Karma is what a person thinks of their actions!!!!
The maximum that we do is to take the money that we have earned, and they got us not for nothing, and real labor!
I've been spinning you all holier than thou, on my TITANIUM-HEALED DICK!!!