It's no secret that if there are "truth-tellers" and other annoying personalities in the comments to our announcement, then in addition to hiding/deleting the comment itself, we can deny its author access to our fanpage:

We can view all of these personalities by going into the Fan Page Settings and select "Privacy" - "Blocking" - "Block Users"
and then click on "Edit" and then look at "See your blocked list."

If you post about the same subvertical: say, toys for kids, you can often notice that people visit you and comment on the same ones! How can we make it so that when we create a fanpage, we can immediately deny these people access?
Exporting blocked
Let's break it down. So, I assume that you've been driving traffic and blocking people you don't want for some time now, so you've got some users in your blocked list. Let's dump the list into a text file! First up switch to the fp profilego into its settings, open the browser console and shove the following script in there.
Here you get the whole list of blocked people in the console, copy it and save it to a text file somewhere. The export is complete!

Import blocked
Now we go to another account, create a fp. Next, go to Ads Manageropen the console again and copy-paste the second script from github.. The script will give a window with a list of your fanpages, select the desired one by entering its number.

Next, the script will ask you to enter a list of user id's to block, insert the list you received earlier and click Ok. The script will add users to the block and display a summary window with the results of the request:

Then to check, we go to our fp to the blocked list and see all our "comrades" there! Bingo. In such a simple way we cut off the audience that was negatively inclined beforehand and pour ourselves a plus, not worrying about the fact that they will shit in the comments.
On the phone, hugged everyone, and donations always make my mood better 🙃
Doesn't seem to be working anymore
Fixed it for the new type of fanpage, everything works.
Is there any way to pull this off with an old style fp?
you can find the previous version of this page on the webarchive, and take the previous version of the script on github
Уведомление: Increase the CR of the banding!
It's not working. Only the first 10 blocked people are shown in the list (((
There's a list with autoscroll in it, no? Scroll to the end and then run the export.
Fixed the script, now unloads everyone!