I see there are a lot of questions about what domain names to use, when, for what, where to buy them, etc. Let's get to the bottom of it.
Facebook uses the service rating when checking a domain for phishing, spam, and other bad things Web Of Trust (well, plus probably some other bases/algorithms of their own that I'm not aware of). This is explicitly stated in the FB rules:

WoT is a site where users rate different domains, and the result is a security verdict: Safe/Unsafe and a reputation in stars on a five-point scale.

Here, for example, the result of checking the site mcdir.ru, which is popular among arbitrageurs Russian hoster Mchost gives free third-level domains such as xxx.mdir.ru. As you can see, the situation is disappointing. And often, inserting a link to such a free domain in Ads Manager, we immediately disappear preview Creativitywhich is a virtually guaranteed indicator that the ad will not be approved.
So, just in case before you register a domain check it: just in case, what if someone has already regaled this name before you and shit the reputation? If we are dealing with the domain-novoreg, then, of course, information on it from WoT no and, accordingly, from FB, too. It looks like this:

So, my main point is this: FB doesn't really care what domain zone you have a newreg in. FreeNoms or super-duper .com for a hundred bucks - it's mono-indifferent. So I personally believe that spending money on "normal" domain names to use them in arbitrage with FB (especially when working with blackhat, where domains fly off, like leaves from trees in the fall) - pure madness. The main criterion for selection: the cheaper the better. Free? That's what you need! ?
About the same thing can be said about the "beauty" of the name. No, do you really think that users are scrupulously studying whether their cell phone browser address bar says titan-gel.ru or tittttan-gel.tk correctly?
It is said that a domain with a good WoT ranking has some advantages over a new-reg:
1) longer is not banned for violations (but still eventually banned)
2)you can use subdomains, and they will fly off, not the main domain (I have not seen this, usually when a domain is spammed, all subdomains at once fly off immediately)
3) a campaign launched on such a domain passes auto moderation and starts unscrewing almost immediately!
I have no experience with such domains, because I am too lazy to chase them on different auctions. If you've been pouring into such trusted domains, please scribble a few lines in the comments!
It remains to say that Novoreg can be made a trusted domain by tapping the WoT ranking. Do not try to do it yourself, This is handled by specially trained people, please contact☝ The cost is about 2k₽.
Well, finally, a list of where to get domains, add to the comments:
1) Freenom.com. aka Dot.tk - a timeless classic ?
2)Promotion from namecheap with domains for 98 cents And in general on NameCheap is quite cheap
3)Domain price comparison service
4)Thread on Ru-Bord (hey, Olds, who remembers Ru-Bord?) with a huge list of where to get what is cheaper
5)Domains 3 level pp.ua for free
Well, that's enough of that, pour in the plus, gentlemen!
Ya delal tolko trust domain
29 usd
No bil toge block
Moi experience drugoi
Ya delal fan page na saitah
Seichaseto ne rabotaet