I regularly encounter questions from the series: how to make it to cast to insta profile, and that the link opens not in the browser, but in the application? And variations of these questions in relation to other applications.
It is clear that there are a lot of services that provide services for creating diplinks, but now I will tell you how to make your own diplink in 2 minutes exactly. And I will show you PHP, JS and bare HTML as an example.
Option #1.
You'll need any hostingThe following code is written in the index.php file:
header('Location: instagram://user?username=dvygolov',301);
Save, throw the link to yourself, say, in Messenger, go, see that my insta has opened and don't forget to subscribe!
Option #2, for freeloaders.
If you have NO hosting and money for it, any JS-enabled constructor will do. Open index.html and insert this script into it:
Go in, see my insta and obviously sign up, or if you signed up in the previous step, sign up mom and girlfriend.
Option #3, for the poor.
If you don't even have access to a JS constructor, but only bare HTML, you can make a diplink here too. Open index.html and shove this construction into its head:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=instagram://user?username=dvygolov">
Test it out, click through, and if you see my insta, repost it, tell your friends, and send it to me donationsI haven't seen them since the end of summer, I think?
Congratulations!!! You and I have just seen how you can do a normal redirect in three different ways. The main "magic" here lies in, where we do this redirect. The trick is this: usually in the Internet we use links with the protocol name http://. Such links are opened in a normal browser or in WebView if we open links from some application like fb/tg etc.
But if instead of http we use a special "protocol" instagram://then webview prilki does not know how to open the link and asks the OS of the phone: "What to do with such a link?". OS answers: "None of your business, it's not your link, it's another application's!" and opens it. Each application can have its own link format registered in the system. I showed you an example with instagram, if you look for it, you will find how to open other applications as well.
And that's it for now, pour in the plus!
Is it working now? These diplinks? It's not working ...
It works and will always work.
Bro, thanks for the idea. how do you do it in the cart?
to redirect to the cart? tg://.
Thanks a lot, bro! I saw you at the convention, by the way, nice job. You burned a lot of good stuff!
you're welcome!)
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Уведомление: 10 Ways to Create a White Page - Cpagram