A long time ago I made myself a checklist, which I try to always go through when launching new offers. I thought it would be useful to put it in the public domain, voila!
- Vertical selection
- View affiliates and offers in a selected vertical
- We're writing to the managers of the partners:
- what can be watered with FB on the selected vertical
- whether this offer is being poured (and if so, how many/few/how many people)
- what is the appruse and percentage of crack (separately for each country)
- what's better fb or insta?
- whether there are capes and bump (increase in payment when the number of leads is more than N/day)
- Pre-select N offers, emphasizing "evergreenness", the right time (holidays, season) and the breadth of the target audience
- See the relevance of the offenders on Google.Trends, Yandex.Wordstat, Mailru.Webmasters
- Describe the +\- of each offer in the table in the google docs.
- Palim in the library of advertising or other Spy-services: pouring or not + stealing creatives/texts
- Choose 1-2 final offers and affiliates
- Deciding whether to pour with or without prelending (transit)
- Select N lendings/transitories
- We choose: we pour by affiliate link (with or without domain parking) or by API.
- Register domains/subdomains + park in a PP, if necessary
- Add the domain to CloudFlare, if necessary
- Add https to the domain (issue a free Let's Encrypt certificate)
- Uploading lendings/transcripts to hosting sites or to the tracker
- We check the transfer of leads via API in the affiliate and the work of postback in tracker!
- Check that multicurrency works when draining from multigeo
- Testing and improving download speed
- Testing adaptability (works on mobile devices)
- Testing download speed for selected GEOs
- Throw it to the Thank You page and run it through Meta Pixel Helper extension pixel FB
- Install Yandex.Metrika/Google.Analytics
- Configuring utm-tag (SubID) forwarding
- Modify the thank you page (cross and additional seils, collecting email/push base, saving leads to a file, etc.).
- Writing the headline in 4U style
- Setting up a campaign in tracker (A/B tests of affiliates, offerers, etc.) or cloaking, if you need it.
- Copy the link to the campaign in tracker or from a PP with a parked domain.
- Saw/steal 5-6 creatives (pictures/videos)
- Video and/or picture, ring gallery
- Select an offer pitch
- Writing a few text ads
- Determine from what account we are pouring (new-reg, batch, auto-reg, brut, rent, own, etc.).
- Create a Fan page:
- Icon + coverCompany information
- Schedule posts for a few days if needed
- Determine from which payment system (plastic, virtual, Qiwi, Paypal, etc.).
- If necessary, we conduct a warm-up for a small amount (1-2 billings):
- Launching a post from Fan page to promote
- Launching for traffic to the lending site
- Targeting
- age
- M/W.
- countries
- playsetting
- devices
- Budget (for the whole campaign/daily per ad group)
- Rate (auto/manual)
- Drainage schedule (if you set a budget for the whole campaign)
- Create N groups of ads
- Create N ads in each group
- In each ad we set up a link with UTM tags (SubID)
- Choose some text from the prepared text
- Created auto-rules to disable non-converting adsets and disable when CPAs are expensive
- Comment scoring + comment cleaning customization
- Launch
- Drain on each adset 2-3 prices of a lead
- Let's start optimizing:
- Analyzing ROI, upsell and price per lead on each adset
- Analysis of converting CA (by FB breakdown)
- Selecting converting creatives/disabling non-converting creatives
- Shutting down the hard-core minus adsets.
- Adding new creatives taking into account "walk-in" approaches
- Creation/duplication of N new adsets with trimmed to the required parameters CA and increased budget
- Lowering the budget on adsets converting to zero/light minus
- Shedding 2-3 lead prices on each addset
- Once again we optimize and start scaling:
- Scaling options:
- Increasing budget on well converting adsets
- 10-20-50% a day by hand.
- creation of auto-rules to raise/lower the budget
- straight to over 100%.
- Duplication/creation of new adsets
- Duplication of advertising campaigns within one account
- Using multiple advertising accounts
- Lukelikes
- Collect retargeting base and run on it with new traffic creos
- Increasing budget on well converting adsets