Russian-speaking arbitrageurs are mostly not good at retargeting. Collect email addresses, phone numbers and user names? No, I haven't heard of it. Why spend time on this when you can fill in a couple or three more campaigns? Working with look-alike audiences, sending email and push mailings - all this does not bring short-term results in the moment and therefore is pushed to the far dusty corners of the mind.
In addition to the lack of retargeting, if you do not have a database of leads, you can not normally control the CC: neither call the lead, nor try to send a rejection to another PP, nor to insure in case of a crash of the PP engine, no-nothing.
In general, I don't know about you, but I'm not happy with this situation, so today we're going to learn how to collect a lead base. We're gonna do it right in trackerso that you don't have to make a lot of extra tools.
So, usually on the landing page we have two fields where the user enters their data - name and phone number. These fields are located in each tag <form> and look like a tag . with the attribute name="name" и name="phone" respectively:
Then these names and numbers are sent by some php-script to the PP. The name of the script file is specified in the attribute action tag form:
In my case the script code is located directly in the index file (i.e. at the very beginning), you may have some separate file like order.php.
So how do we get our leads' data into the tracker? We will use postback for this! ☝ There are two options:
- Take any two sub-tags available in the PP, and when sending a lead to the PP, put the full name in one sub-tag and the phone number in the other. After the lead falls into the PP, it will send us back all the information about the lead by postback, and tracker will already have that information on file.
It's a workable option, but the PP may well fuck with you if they find out about such a scheme. Like there's a "Law on the Storage of Personal Data", GDPR, etc. And it's easy to get caught - just check your status. - That's why I like the other option better: before sending the lead to the PP itself, send a postback to the trackerwhich will immediately add the name and phone number to the lead. In this case, the PP will not know anything about our manipulations. We will use this option.
First, let's define which sub-marks in the tracker we'll store the name and phone number: we go to Traffic sources and there either add a Source or edit an existing one. I already have a Facebook source created, so I just select free tags and give them a convenient name. In the example below, the tags selected are sub_id_12 и sub_id_13:
The postback address is taken from the menu tracker: Maintenance - Postback URL
The only thing ironcladly needed to send a postback is a unique identifier for our lead. Every click that passes through tracker, is assigned such an identifier, in the Keitaro it's called subid.
If you've ever set up a postback from PP, then you know that you first need to send that subid in some sub-tag in the PP, and then the PP will send it back to you along with the status of the lead. And in order for this shit to work, you put a field inside each form on the lende . with the name of the desired sub-tag. In the example below, subid I have it stored in a tag sub1.
So, here are all the final fields of the form, whose data we will use to send the postback: sub1, name, phone.
Now we get into the code for sending the lead, which I have at the beginning of the code index.php. There's obviously no universal recipe for where to insert the postback submission code, since the code for different PPs is also different, but you can usually insert it at the very beginning.
$url = '' . $_POST['sub1'] . '&sub_id_12=' .
$_POST['name']) . '&sub_id_13=' .urlencode(
In $url we insert the postback address, save the land.
Now we send a test lead, go into the Conversions report, add sub_id_12 and 13 metrics there and see:
Voila, you can now upload this to Excel, retrieve it via API, etc. if needed, the possibilities are tons.
Well, you had Yellow with you, you're on the plus side, send me at least a hundred.and don't get sick!
It works once in a while, I don't know what the problem is...(
To be honest, I haven't come across it.
Уведомление: Maximizing Profits Using the Keitaro Multi-Handed Bandits Algorithm | Yellow Web
Уведомление: Maximizing Profit Using the "Multi Handed Bandits" Algorithm in Keitaro | Traffic Arbitrage
Eugene, did you find the cause? It still works every once in a while
very strange situation, I have it exactly according to the manual and works on 100% leads
Denis, any luck finding the cause?