Hello everyone, the Yellow Web's convector of goodness continues unabated, doesn't it? Today let's see how you can quickly test someone else's pre-rendering you like using tracker Keitaro.
Let's imagine a situation: you're in sleepers have discovered an excellent prelude. Everything is in place: text - ?, pictures - beautiful! "We should take it," you decide. And it begins... You have to download the content correctly with all sorts of WebScrapBooks, wget-ami, then replace all the links with the {offer} macro, then create an archive and upload it to the tracker.
What if I told you that you don't have to do any of the above? ?I'll tell you how.
Keitaro allows users to create their own Actions. That is, in addition to the standard ones: redirects, land displays, etc., we can do almost anything we want. And we will do the following: take all content from the address specified in the parameters of the Action (i.e. from the address of the preland, which we want to take for ourselves), change all links inside the resulting html-content to the macro {offer}, and then show the result of this replacement on our own domain without redirects. That is, in fact, the procla is someone else's, but it works like ours and all links lead to the offerer!?
DISCLAIMER: be careful, there may be tricky scripts connected to someone else's prokla to steal your traffic!
Let's take a look at how to plug yourself into tracker a custom action called "Steal Procla." I'm gonna steal Microsoft's website?

For starters. download the ywbpreland.php file from here.
Save it to your server in the application\redirects subfolder to the Keitaro.

Next up, we're going to tracker. Because Action won't be visible without re-login. That's it!
Now, to connect someone else's procla you just need to go to Landings, add a new one, specify there Action - Steal procla, enter its address, save settings.
We create a campaign and a stream, in the stream we specify "our" procla and offerer.

We click on the campaign link and see the Microsoft site running on our domain, with all the links replaced with the offerer's link. Bingo!

Did you like the content? Send donatik, what's up, I'm sorry.? Well, you're in the plus side, all right.
The same functionality is implemented in tracker clickervolt, too bad the developer from covid died and there is no more support, but I still use it.
It was not the developer who died there, but the ovner, and the developer continued to write something. But yes, there are some good features there, like AIDA tracking.