Hello all, Yellow Web here, today we're going to take a look at how I broke into arbitrage here (no).
A brief background is as follows: The CTR manager wrote to meI was a little tired of adalt, and I decided to take the evergreen offer - Amulet of Baba Nina. He gave me a set of offers, and since adalt is a bit fed up with its daily re-downloads, it was decided to take an evergreen offer - the Amulet of Baba Nina.
Payout - 9$, upwind said it would be around 35%, so it was in the end.
The goals were as follows:
- to see how hard it has become to work with fb (Spoiler: HARD);
- learn how to start and approach the plum from the perspective of a beginner who can't spend $$ on a bunch of different useful tools.
That's why I got this set:
- Antidetect browser - Incogniton. Good because it easily passes tests, like Whoer, and gives 10 profiles for FREE. According to the results of the plum, the browser showed itself well, there were sometimes hanging profiles, but after the update seems to have fixed everything.
- Clo - free clo from yours truly. Download here.
- Hosting - Beget. After registering it gives you a month of free usewhich is more than enough for the tests.
- Domains - Freenom.
- The Wyeths are. 50 rubles from a well-known service. I made them on Psychology and Astronomy. White lived well, changed a total of 3 pieces.
- Accounts - Autoregi RU from Bogdan's HyperloopFB store.
- Proxy - Russian by Proxy6I took a personal one, but you could probably get a Shared one, which would be cheaper.
- Cleaning comments - free service from CPA.RIP + loading stop-word dictionaries on the FP.
Preparing to drain:
The first thing was to register domains like babanina.cf and park them with Beget. Next, downloaded all the pads in the amount of two pieces and lend. On the strip I changed the picture with a bundle of money from dollars to the local currency.

Then I put everything in separate folders: procls in p1,p2, land - land and customized it all clo:
- Took the Thank You page out of the Land and stuck it in the root of the site, so there would be a general Thank You page for White and black.
- Put the procs in the split.
- I added to the allowed countries only RU (myself for debugging) and RS (Serbia).
- I set up a tag forwarding in the PP (because in the clo so far it sucks at displaying the right status)
- Toward the end of the drain (which should have been done from the beginning!) I added another offer to the "Back" button From the same CTR on Serbia (weight loss). Also, I made that the lend opens in a separate window, and the proclue is replaced by the proclue of the slimming offer. Since I did this late, I only got one sale from this in 11$, but a similar pre-monetization works, always use it, or better yet, lead your users to a smartlink or showcase.
Creatives Ordered from CTR10: they made two short videos with a news approach and a pitch like, "a Serbian millionaire got rich thanks to an amulet" and "these people owe their wealth to Baba Nina. Probably now you can make similar ones yourself with the help of Mail.ru's Announcer service.
I created 5 profiles in Incogniton, put each one on a separate proxy. As soon as my account got checked or banned, I cleared my cookies, changed my fingerprints, and put up a new one.
The first task was to start up at all and see the traffic. At first I tried either tying to Bogdan's autoregams BMs or create them - all at once flew to checkpoints, do not do so. That's why it was decided to pour from the private areas. Autoregions are fragile creatures. Anything wrong - check. Experimentally it was found that:
- If the autoreg flies off at the check after publication, it is most likely a bad Creativity.
- Duplicates in progress, more than 2 ads, and large budgets can also cut the check.
- The ban on USER_TRUST is mainly related to Whiteand we change it and keep working.
While I was messing around with the launches, I decided to test the option to drain through the quiz, which is free and quick to do on Interact platform. After that you are given html code that can be embedded in a simple page. I added the generated Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions to the page, and checked that it displays normally on mobile. Such quizzes pass moderation with flying colors even without clo.

The only problem with this quiz is that you can't pass a pixel as a parameter. But I solved it by setting a cookie with the pixel's id.
So, started pouring over the quiz.
Start-up and drain schemeOne campaign, one set, one creo. All one at a time, because autoregs do not hold a large number. Lil for SWO, the budget put from 50 to 100 dollars. Autoregis almost never farmed, maximum watching videos in the Watch section, there is sometimes a fresh Comedy Club ? Fan-pages created almost immediately, the map knit at the stage of creating a campaign. But the feeling is that if you first create fp and knit the map, and run the next day, the likelihood of flying less, and the successful launch more.
Unfortunately, since the writing of the case was not planned, it was only possible to save the status from one advertising account:

Of the two creos, only one video passed moderation. Uniqueized it by slowing down/accelerating it with my FFMPEG script. The second video invariably led to a ban/check before unscroll. CTR of my creo was stably higher than 3. I even got good comments on my promotional posts the first week! Like: "thank you, all received" or "thank you for this opportunity. Removed the hiding on such.
As you can see, the price of a lead is not that much, and everything would be OK, if it were not for the huge amount of trash.
Fighting trash and stopping traffic:
In the first few days of leaks, the crapshoot reached 50%: it was mostly duplicates or wrong numbers. To combat this theme was done:
- В clo added a check function: if the user clicks the order button repeatedly, the lead is not sent to the PP and does not bounce the pixel.
- Clo automatically replaces the phone field type with tel type, so that mobile users are shown a convenient numeric keypad.
- You could also do a js number length check, but I didn't bother.
Then I started to think about how to lower the price of a lead. And since there were no good questions to replace the quiz in my head, I decided to cloach and pour directly to the prokles. Their penetration is about the same: unfortunately, because clo so far does not show normal statistics, we had to determine by eye (I recommend to connect at least Yandex.Metric, if you decided to pour without the tracker).
The price of the lead has fallen to acceptable, but frees when starting and bans of accounts after a few hours after unscrewing became more frequent. And since I do not like to constantly reload, after about a week it was decided to end the experiment and stop the traffic.

Earned: 21560 rubles.
Traffic costs: 2,032 rubles.
Other expenses (proxy-accounts-whites): about 1500 rubles.
Total: with the probability of a pre-approach - drained to zero.
Which was well done:
- Tested a large number of startup circuits and found suitable ones
- Completed a lot of interesting chips in clo
- С autoregs can be poured and that's good
What could have been done better:
- Test more different creos and approaches
- Put Yandex.Metrics to measure penetration
Overall, the offer seemed to me not at all squeezed, and if you have better tools and accounts than what is described above, or have interesting approaches, I believe that you you can easily pour the amulet on Serbia in CTRI wish you luck in this!
And with you as always was the Yellow Web, pour in the plus, gentlemen!
Isn't it necessary to pass the id via the url in order to receive and pass the pixel via cookies?
Yes, you do. Look, you make a php page, in it the code for saving the pixel's id from the url to cookies and plus on the same page you have the code of the quiz. At the end of the quiz you have a redirect to the same domain on the proclu or land. That way, on the lend, you can already pull the pixel out of the cookie.
Greetings, how do you make the generated Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions? I always have a problem with that)
Right here: https://www.privacypolicygenerator.info/
And look at Resources at the top right, you will find links to other generators as well.