Hello all, this is Yellow Web, and today I will tell you how I verify BMs. A few words about why I do it. I would never do this kind of crap in my life, but we all know that even if you're pouring the whitest offers, fb tends to ban advertising accounts. All of them I send to unban, but there is a nuance: after several such unbanning fb begins to require at the attempt to send a ticket to verify BM! Have a little twist, send the docs, wait until everything is confirmed and, finally, be able to send tickets to unban until the blue sky. What I actually need.

Yes, all of the following manipulations apply to Russian rentals. If you have auto-regs with imposed BMs, it's easier to throw away, get a new one and not bother. But if you aim to play for a long time and you care about your consumables - welcome.
There are already several manuals on verification on the web: one by Jah и The second from the TG channel fbagain. There are also verification method using corporate mail. Let me tell you right away that I will not give you a method of verification without docks and in 10 minutes, my way is quite similar to the above, the difference is in the details. Also, I will not describe how to make the verification button available. If you are pouring from rent from own handmade BMs and fb asked you to verify them - with a huge likelihood, the button is already available. If not - read the manuals at the links.
The first thing we need is a domain added and confirmed in BM. Go to "Brand Security - Domains", add your any domain (even freinom). Then fb will ask us to confirm it, select the method "Download HTML file", download the file, pour on hostingto which our domain is linked - I use Beget.

Click "Confirm" - finished.
Next, we upload to the same Beget Any WHITE banding. With some kind of mop or potato peeler. We'll need it a little later.
Begin the procedure to fill out the BM verification form:

The first thing we do is to fill in the name of the "company" - this will be the IP with the full name, matching the name of the co-signer. Remember all the information on the address, zip code, and phone number that you entered at this step - we will still need it. Yes, if you have not found the IP that fully corresponds to the full name - find at least one that matches only the first and last name. Look for information on IP here.
Once you have found the right IP - click get the statement and save the PDF with it.

Next, open this PDF or directly from the site of the tax copied OGRNIP and TIN and paste into the section "Contacts" on our website. There we also enter the address and phone number that we specified in the form.
On the second step of the form, choose Russian and insert the downloaded PDF.

With the third step, you will have to do a little bit of work. Here we need to confirm that the specified address really is the IP. To do this, FB offers to send some kind of receipt or statement, which will include both the company name and phone number + address. I suggest the following options for solving this problem:
- Take any receipt you have. Take a picture of it. Create a job for designers at any freelance store to make you from this receipt template for Photoshop, where instead of your information you can enter any other. Don't forget to write in the job that they should add fields for company name and phone number!
- Find on the Internet a form or a template of any similar receipt for anything: gas-light-water-utility services. Fill in this template in Word/Excel, with all the data entered in the first step of filling out the form.
Then there are two options: either print the receipt, sign it (optional) and then take a picture, or take a picture directly from the computer screen. The resulting photo is attached to the third step. My receipt, of course, I will not show you. Look for it and find it.

And finally the last step - choose verification using our domain!

DONE! The papers have been sent. All that remains is to wait. At the moment, my BMs are being verified for three to seven days. Yes, no extra "pluses" like more promotional aces do not expect. As it was 3, so will remain. At most, what can be expected - to remove the limits on the twist. But even that bread.
Note: the same set of documents will work for verification of any number of VMs. Do not forget only to transfer to the new BM the rights to the domain!
And with you was Yellow Web, pour in the plus, gentlemen!
It's not like that about the three ad accounts.
I did as instructed.
Total 1.
Limit of created advertising accounts
Pour a little traffic, there will be 3 and 5 later.
Will it be 250 on the bm from the start?
Maybe you know some other ways to increase the limit?
Not from the start, but if you spill a little, it will be
Good evening, I read your article on the verification of BM through the addition of ip person data on the tax portal. Can you tell me what is the risk of this, can it somehow come up? What address should I enter, my personal address or the one that is on the documents from the tax website? Can there be a problem in the future if they ask for a passport to confirm and there are other data on registration?
I would be very grateful if you tell me, thank you in advance)
There's no problem there.
Thanks for the manual! Is it still possible to set the country without the Unds in the promotional shares? Or is it only RF?
can. Kazakhstan.
Does fb accept statements instead of certificates of registration?
Everything accepts
YELLOW WEB - can you help to webrify bm ?
What's the big deal? Just give me your card number and I'll pay you the money.
The address is not quite clear, why do we take some left, and not from the statement itself, for example?
Does the method work, if you pass this procedure after the ban bm, which you want to verify? (when in order to unban, asks to verify) Thank you.
The method works, but whether or not the BM will be unblocked later is unknown. So it is better to verify in advance.
and how to transfer the rights to the domain to the new BM ? Please advise
you can just share a pixel